Saturday, November 13, 2010

Josh's Big Day

Josh loves the Young Women I teach. Since we are leaving, I had the girls over for breakfast at our house. Greg was out of town so Josh was excited to get to hang out with them.

Next, we met my family at a pumpkin patch. It was so great!

Josh got to "ride" a tractor. The pedals were too stiff to use so he just walked himself along.

He actually sat still to get his face painted. He wanted something blue so I just had her do a blue pumpkin. It was cute and Josh was happy with it!

He didn't make it very far in the climb, but this was good for the older kids.

This was awesome! No other adults were getting in, but Renda, Brandi and I jumped in the with kids. They had a huge trailer filled with fresh-picked cotton. (Yes, we itched like crazy later. Especially after Renda hit me with a big handful that went down my shirt!)

They somewhat posed for a group pic. This is my niece Hayleigh, nephew Noah, Josh and nephew Jordan.

They had a corn maze at the entrance of the festival. The kids had a blast hiding in the corn since they were small enough to run down the rows. This was another great idea to make this the best patch to go to!

When we FINALLY found the exit to the maze, we saw a few people headed this way. So the kids really got to run free. (We didn't find out until later that we went the wrong way since we walked all the way to the patch instead of taking the hay ride but at least we didn't have to stand in line twice!)

I was so proud of Josh. As soon as we walked into the pumpkin patch his found a cute little pumpkin. It weighed practically nothing so after two seconds when he was done carrying it, I didn't mind. He looked a lots of pumpkins but he never changed his mind!

I'm just not as good as Josh. I found a cool one that matched his but weighed a ton!!!! I had found a neat green one that I was going to get but saw this one and just had to get it. My brother had to take it from me b/c my arms gave out and I couldn't even carry back to the line to get on the hayride.

We had to wait in line for quite a while so Josh found a way to entertain himself. He thought it was just like being at the beach! He was dirty, but content and didn't run away!

Thanks to Aunt Renda for such a great time! We can't wait until next year!

And to conclude this long day, Josh had an accident. Thank goodness he already had a bath after such a dirty day b/c he fell in the living room and hit his eyebrow on the corner of the coffee table. The SAME corner he hit just months ago with the back of his head. Well of course I freaked b/c his head was spewing blood. We probably should have gotten stitches, but Greg's mom just used strips to close it up and padded it well so he wouldn't hurt it any worse. Poor guy :( I'm just thankful it wasn't his eye, but I hope he doesn't have a bad scar.

Boo at the Zoo 2010

Josh likes "Scooby Dooby" now and of course the "van" is his favorite.
So this was an exciting find!

Of course the train ride was the highlight of the evening.

He played all the little games and didn't pretty well.
I was excited about his bowling skills. I think we will be ready for a real game soon!

There was a huge section for Alice in Wonderland characters including this. Fun times!

The giant pumpkin was a little freaky. He talked very loudly.
I bet the dude inside of it was very tired of this job.

Josh's "Mountain"

This is his new favorite activity, or it was. He keeps asking to do it here but it's all hard wood so it doesn't make for a soft landing. It had become a nightly ritual.

I'm back! We are in Dallas...Georgia that is...

Well, I have had so much to post, but too much to do to justify sitting down at the computer for so long. We are ''watching" the Alabama game so I'm taking a break to catch up on all our happenings over the last month.

We now live in Dallas, Ga. We went downtown yesterday and it only took about 45 minutes to drive there so it's not too bad. And we are about 2 1/2 hours from B'ham. (Greg says only 2 so I guess it just depends on how fast you drive.)

We got to see Greg's building, the Georgia Pacific building. He seems to like work okay. He got to bye steel-toe boots for work since when they go on audits they go to the paper mills. Neat. I never knew there were so many style options!

We've already had some visitors, so anyone that wants to, you are welcome to head on over!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Veggies any way you can get them...

So, my picky eater continues. For the passed two weeks he has moved onto corn dogs. While once in a while they may not be too bad, but he can eat two or three for one meal!

So I have tricked him...

I have now started buying the vegetarian version. They taste the same to him and have to be a little bit healthier than regular ones....I hope!

Just like one of my new fav commericals where the mom keeps banging on pans to distract her husband from telling their kid that there are veggies in Chef Boyardee products. Yay for deception to kids! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Death seems to be a funny thing. There are those of us who have been touched frequently with the loss of loved ones, and others who witness it from afar. As life can be sometimes, it seems to weird to focus on the striking difference my husband and I play in these roles. For those of us in the first category, we all deal with it and discuss in so many different ways. So long ago, I never knew what to say to someone grieving. Now I know differently, for death and the fear of death haved seeped into my very being.

I remember hearing once, that the Lord gives us challenges in our lives that build our tolerance and ability to deal with specific trials. This thought alone stains my pillow some nights with fears of my son ever entering this category. And though I have experienced my fair share of death, this is the only one that I know would make my heart cease to beat.

I was young when the first deaths started to occur in my life. First, my grandfather, my mom's father died, when I was but a toddler. I wonder now as I have to explain death to my three-year-old, how my parents explained it to me, since their faith and knowledge of these matters varied so much from my own. We had a long berevement after that, not having any close relative die (to my knowledge) until my other grandfather, when I was 11. I vividly remember visiting him in the hospital for a brief moment before being sent back to my aunt's house, then remembering waking to the impression to look out the front window only to see my mom embracing my dad, crying. For a girl with a construction-worker dad, that was a sight I had never seen before, therefore declaring the horrible news. At such a young age, I'm not sure what sorrow I felt, but I'm sure there was sadness for his absence in my life and my dad's grief. A few years later, my parents close friend finally succumbed to AIDS and passed with us living across the country. We had been seperated for many years and I only remember feeling empathy of sadness from my parents grief. His death was followed by another close friend of theirs, dying of yet another disease, this one hurting me more deeply than the first because I had spent so much time with him in my early years and he is still present in so many of my childhood memories.

Then came the horrible trilogy that is still with me even after all these years. Say what you may about urban legends, but death came for threes. My mom's only brother, her closet sibling, died of a heart attack in 2001. Again, I remember feeling sadness at his loss, but mainly for my mother who had lost someone so close to her heart. The following year, on a seemingly ordinary day that will haunt me until the day I, in fact, die.... my mother was ripped from my life in a car accident. Up until this point in my life, I always thought how odd it was to be part of such a normal family of four. So ordinary, a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. Never again would we be ordinary. Her death, tragic in so many ways: Not seeing my brother graduate high school, then me college, us both married, having her grandchildren. Tragic each year as new things happen, how life changes, keeps going and yet, she's not here to witness any of it, to give much needed advice on so many subjects. Then the trilogy coming to an end the next year, as my mom's mother, died on a visit here for my brother's graduation. Solidifying the never ending cycle that our family is doomed to have the constant fear of death and heartache close by.

After that, my family was given a reprieve to somewhat recover, until this year. My dad's eldest brother died along with my husband's grandfather.

Life is so fragile. So easily ended here on this earth. And yet, it still seems so odd that these people can leave us so quickly and unceremoniously, shocking our system and having us scream and yell "Why?"

Even with strong beliefs and knowledge of such a wonderful Gospel. That we all will live again and be together, death is still a hard issue to deal with. While someday we may be together, for now, we are not. Without this knowledge, I cannot see how anyone could go on living.

This week I am reminded of death again, at the loss of the first soldier I have known in a war where so many have died. Oh how the reality sinks in when it's someone from your own universe to have gone. I hope and pray that his family can continue on with their lives and some sort of solace in the Gospel, that they too, thankfully, believe in.

We each deal with issues in our own way. I will advise any seeking guidance as to what to say to someone lost in grief. There is nothing you can say, but "I'm sorry." If it appears that person wishes to be left alone, please do so. I basically had to be rude to one one aunt, at my uncle's funeral. His daughter had sought solitude in a room at the funeral home and it was asked of me to go to her and comfort her. I would not, for all I could remember was my mother's and even grandmother's funeral. I was wandered, looking for seclusion only to be found and pestered with questions when all I wanted to do was be alone with my thoughts and let the grief wash over me as it should.

I have just read a wonderful blog post from a friend of mine. It may causes tears, but it's worth reading for anyone who has lost a loved one.

Thank you, Tracy.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fire Station Trip

We went to the fire station for our weekly play group. It was the same station we went to last year and they were so nice. They spent about 20 minutes talking to the moms about all the details of what they do and all the gadgets they have around. Obviously our little 2- and 3-year-olds didn't really know what they were talking about, but it was nice for us to learn a little something. Well, this year, they were very abrupt and listed a couple things to keep the kids away from and herded us down to the fire trucks. I guess it turned out to be a good thing for the kids because they barely got to play for about five minutes when they got a call and had to head we went to the park nearby.

Thank goodness the weather was nice. Just like last fall, I'm amazed at how advanced he has become. (We don't really go to parks in the summer here. Heat stroke is not really on my top ten list of life experiences I want to have.) He climbed up the "big boy" stuff so well.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Family Book of Mormon

We have this great version of the Book of Mormon (when I say "version" I don't mean ANY actual scripture has been changed, it's just bigger and has pictures).

Josh LOVES the pictures. He will even sit with you for all of one minute if there is a picture that he is interested in.

He loves the "big water" so he is particularly interested in the picture of Moses parting the Red Sea.

I had a thought tonight as we were reading....

"And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished." - 1Nephi 17:41

I cannot say how many times I have read over this scripture, but how have I never noticed that it really says there were creatures like DRAGONS????!!!!????

Now, if they made a version of the Book of Mormon for boys full of these types of pictures, we might have one of the most spiritual homes around since we would be reading it all day long!

The Bigger Picture

Thank goodness there are times we can focus on the bigger picture in life.

Progress with children can be frustrating. Potty training, for instance, isn't the highlight of my existence. But sometimes you have moments when you realize that your child wearing a diaper until they're twenty is okay if he gets things that matter more in the long run.

For two nights in a row he has said our nightly family prayer. It feels my heart with joy, and I know that he will be okay. I need to be thankful for those important accomplishments and not so upset about the small things he hasn't quite mastered, like not peeing on my couch!


The concept is beyond crazy. I have moved quite a few times with my family, then for college, then for marriage, but this just feels way different. I'm both anxious and excited. It's the first time we have moved with Josh. Which means we have a bagillion more things to pack! Uggghhh...what's with all the TOYS????


When....end of October-beginning of November.

Why....Greg got a job at Georgia Pacific. We buy a ton of their products, so I guess it's time they start paying us back :)

We are excited for a fresh start with our little family. Maybe now people might read my blog to see what we are up to!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night with REBA!!!!

I've always wanted to see Reba in concert. Her music is some of the first country music I listened to with my parents. It was a lot of fun, but somewhat bitter sweet thinking about how much my mom would have enjoyed being there with me :(

Thanks again to Jim for scoring such great seats and backstage passes. I don't know what I will do if I ever have to buy a ticket again. Scary :)

Renda went with me again. It was great to get to do that with her! I have more pics, but my computer seems to not be cooperating with downloading them. Maybe later...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall days are here

It has been so nice lately. We have got to play outside and not worry about having a heat stroke! I can't be more proud that Josh finally is using the pedals on his bike!!! He really is becoming a kid and not just a toddler. Bitter sweet :) Now we just need to finish the potty training!

Special visit from friends

My friend Misty from New York came to visit her in-laws over the Labor Day weekend and got to hang out with us for a little while. We took them to Aldridge. Josh and Lorelai were so cute holding hands!

Nightly routine

Josh has gotten into a routine of wanting to build a "mountain" every night. He loves to climb!

Favorite new toy

Uncle Chris won! (Besides Josh's bed, Chris got the best toy for Josh's birthday.)

Moon sand!

It's been weeks since he got this and he still asks daily to go play ''moonsand!"

Play day with the cousins

There is a fun park in Oxford with a splash pad.
Then we went to the creek in Coldwater. Ha. The water was way cold, but it felt so good. I can't believe the kids didn't think it was too cold, especially Noah.