Thursday, January 17, 2013


 Here in Alabama we usually get about one snow day a year and when and if it happens, you can't delay! When I left to get Josh from school it was practically a blizzard, but by the time we returned home it had stopped snowing and was already starting to melt. Bri Aynes got to hang with us for a few hours so I was able to get this one pic when the snow was still falling.They had a great time playing, but not for long. We need better winter gear! I.e. waterproof gloves and boots :) All the basics were covered, snowball fights, snowman and snow angels. (Sledding wasn't going to happen with this much snow even if we actually had a sled!)

Our church has a cute children's song titled "Once There Was a Snowman". I thought this was so cute to show their tiny snowman as it melted in less than 24 hours. 

Once There Was a Snowman 
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman,
Once there was a snowman, tall, tall, tall.
In the sun he melted, melted, melted.
In the sun he melted, small, small, small.

Saturday, January 12, 2013



Josh loves Jello. I saw this neat idea in a book, but opted to just try it myself instead of actually reading the directions. Oops! They were cute and looked like mini slices of watermelon, but tasted gross. All you could taste was the bitter lime. I guess I should have figured out how to take out the taste first. Josh had fun though and as usual, that's all that mattered!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Josh brought home his school journal for December. Here is an adorable picture labeled "My dad is fierce."

Friday, January 4, 2013

Monster Jam 2013

Greg's friend Blake got us GREAT seats!

We got to see the debut of the new Scooby Truck! (My love for Scooby goes way back!)

Josh's favorites were the Batman, Ice Cream and Grave Digger trucks.

Josh celebrates very enthusiastically!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We went to Atlanta for New Year's Eve. Josh actually stayed up well past midnight (not something I ever managed to do until adulthood). You can see how he was normal, then progressed toward wild and crazy. His clothes were on, then off for "bed", then back on to prove he was "staying up all night!" We watched the ball drop on tv and had a good time. Glad he had his own bed!