Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fire Station Trip

We went to the fire station for our weekly play group. It was the same station we went to last year and they were so nice. They spent about 20 minutes talking to the moms about all the details of what they do and all the gadgets they have around. Obviously our little 2- and 3-year-olds didn't really know what they were talking about, but it was nice for us to learn a little something. Well, this year, they were very abrupt and listed a couple things to keep the kids away from and herded us down to the fire trucks. I guess it turned out to be a good thing for the kids because they barely got to play for about five minutes when they got a call and had to head we went to the park nearby.

Thank goodness the weather was nice. Just like last fall, I'm amazed at how advanced he has become. (We don't really go to parks in the summer here. Heat stroke is not really on my top ten list of life experiences I want to have.) He climbed up the "big boy" stuff so well.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Family Book of Mormon

We have this great version of the Book of Mormon (when I say "version" I don't mean ANY actual scripture has been changed, it's just bigger and has pictures).

Josh LOVES the pictures. He will even sit with you for all of one minute if there is a picture that he is interested in.

He loves the "big water" so he is particularly interested in the picture of Moses parting the Red Sea.

I had a thought tonight as we were reading....

"And he did straiten them in the wilderness with his rod; for they hardened their hearts, even as ye have; and the Lord straitened them because of their iniquity. He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished." - 1Nephi 17:41

I cannot say how many times I have read over this scripture, but how have I never noticed that it really says there were creatures like DRAGONS????!!!!????

Now, if they made a version of the Book of Mormon for boys full of these types of pictures, we might have one of the most spiritual homes around since we would be reading it all day long!

The Bigger Picture

Thank goodness there are times we can focus on the bigger picture in life.

Progress with children can be frustrating. Potty training, for instance, isn't the highlight of my existence. But sometimes you have moments when you realize that your child wearing a diaper until they're twenty is okay if he gets things that matter more in the long run.

For two nights in a row he has said our nightly family prayer. It feels my heart with joy, and I know that he will be okay. I need to be thankful for those important accomplishments and not so upset about the small things he hasn't quite mastered, like not peeing on my couch!


The concept is beyond crazy. I have moved quite a few times with my family, then for college, then for marriage, but this just feels way different. I'm both anxious and excited. It's the first time we have moved with Josh. Which means we have a bagillion more things to pack! Uggghhh...what's with all the TOYS????


When....end of October-beginning of November.

Why....Greg got a job at Georgia Pacific. We buy a ton of their products, so I guess it's time they start paying us back :)

We are excited for a fresh start with our little family. Maybe now people might read my blog to see what we are up to!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night with REBA!!!!

I've always wanted to see Reba in concert. Her music is some of the first country music I listened to with my parents. It was a lot of fun, but somewhat bitter sweet thinking about how much my mom would have enjoyed being there with me :(

Thanks again to Jim for scoring such great seats and backstage passes. I don't know what I will do if I ever have to buy a ticket again. Scary :)

Renda went with me again. It was great to get to do that with her! I have more pics, but my computer seems to not be cooperating with downloading them. Maybe later...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall days are here

It has been so nice lately. We have got to play outside and not worry about having a heat stroke! I can't be more proud that Josh finally is using the pedals on his bike!!! He really is becoming a kid and not just a toddler. Bitter sweet :) Now we just need to finish the potty training!

Special visit from friends

My friend Misty from New York came to visit her in-laws over the Labor Day weekend and got to hang out with us for a little while. We took them to Aldridge. Josh and Lorelai were so cute holding hands!

Nightly routine

Josh has gotten into a routine of wanting to build a "mountain" every night. He loves to climb!

Favorite new toy

Uncle Chris won! (Besides Josh's bed, Chris got the best toy for Josh's birthday.)

Moon sand!

It's been weeks since he got this and he still asks daily to go play ''moonsand!"

Play day with the cousins

There is a fun park in Oxford with a splash pad.
Then we went to the creek in Coldwater. Ha. The water was way cold, but it felt so good. I can't believe the kids didn't think it was too cold, especially Noah.

Happy Birthday Josh!

About a month before his birthday, Josh started asking us if he could have a "big boy bed." So we decided for his birthday we would finally give him his car bed and take him out of the crib :( We bought it last fall for only $25 off craigslist! Yay!!! So he knew he would get it for his birthday. As soon as he woke up from his nap, he wanted to run right in there. I barely got the camera ready!

Mom Mom let us have one of the chairs from her house. Josh is loving it! I wish I had this when he was a baby. At least we'll have it for the next!

We also got him a few small gifts. He got so excited with everything. It makes my heart happy :)

We didn't get any pics of his birthday cake. It was just plain white. But tasted AWESOME! He loves frosting now. He just kept sticking the candles back in to lick it off. Too cute.

Josh's Birthday: The Party

Josh wanted a Thomas party!!! He is 3!!!

They made Thomas bags to put their goodies in from the pinata!

He got way too many usual :) Lots of fun new toys!

August Destin Trip with the In-laws

Josh painted Nonna's nails. Ha!

He absolutely LOVED the bumper boats and race cars.
He got to go twice on each, but he wanted to keep going and going!

He got to ride the train with Popa too!

Mom Mom got to hide in the shade and watch Josh swim!

The one and only time got up on the "shark" as he called it. He fell off and went under the water so he wouldn't get back on :( Much like how he won't jump off the side of the pool anymore b/c he got too much water up his nose.

Mine and Greg's room in the condo was so funny. It was a gloried closet. It had a day bed with a mattress hidden underneath. We had to sleep with the door open b/c when the mattress was pulled out you couldn't open and close the door. Ha! At least we didn't pay :)

Nonna got Josh a little net to try and catch some fish in. We tried and tried, but not fish! Papa did fish out a dead crab though. Josh held onto it for a little while before dumping it back out on the beach.

Josh was being much more sensitive to the sun on this trip. He didn't want to play for too long and kept ending up in the shade. The first day, he didn't want to go in the water but I tricked him. He put his float on and I tried to carry him out in the water. I'm not very stable and the waves knocked me over right away. I could barely hold Josh out of the water as the waves pelted us. It took Greg forever to get to us, but we lived. I felt so horrible, but Josh let Greg take him deeper. The next day the water was much more calm and Greg took him out again. The day after that, Josh and I ended up going by ourselves. It was the first day with a green flag so the water looked like a swimming pool. No waves and crystal clear. Josh help my hand and walked out as far as he could. We he couldn't reach the ground anymore, he swam right along side me. He did so good. It was so cute! The last day we all went and the water was horrible. It was sad b/c he actually wanted to go out again, but we couldn't even get knee deep it was so bad.

What a cutey!!!!