So this is gross...I know. But Josh drinks a TON of water so now that he's sleeping all night, his diapers just don't have the capacity to last those 9-11 hours. So every morning I would have a wet baby and wet sheets because there was just no absorbency left in the diaper and it all escaped to his clothes and beyond. GROSS!!!! So last week when I was buying regular diapers I noticed Huggies has this line of Overnite diapers. They are expensive compared to our Luvs, but I was willing to try it to save my lazy self the need to wash sheets EVERYDAY!!! So I did, and let me tell you, I haven't been this excited about something since Breaking Dawn hit the shelves!!!!!!!!! They are AWESOME!!!! No, and I mean NO, leaks!!! I have had a dry baby all week long. The cost isn't that much since I only use one per day so it is so worth it. I will be buying these from now on and reccommend that if your baby leaks out of his/her diaper, get these! (I mean really, the things we go through being a mom. I'm excited about a diaper of all things...ha!)
You really have to love what we as mom's get excited about. Yea for not having to do laundry everyday!
Awesome...I will definitely keep these overnight diapers in mind when we enter this stage.
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