Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas Events: Making Cookies with Nonna

Josh LOVES making cookies. I didn't get any pics of us making the dough, but it's hard to say which is his favorite part. He loves to pour everything in the bowl and "stir" it up! He's not too big on eating them, he prefers to eat chocolate chip cookies, but they aren't as much fun to make! Charmaine loves making sugar cookies at Christmas and this year Josh got to help.

He had his own little roller.

And she happened to have a train cookie cutter so there were about 90% train cookies and 10% other shapes.

He loves the flipper. He's so coordinated at it too.

His sprinkling skills need a little work, but this was pretty funny. He definitely made the train all blue. Yay for THOMAS!

This was the best part. He really doesn't like his hands to be dirty! He can make a mess with the best of them, but then he needs a "WIPE!" His little face is so expressive!


Stephanie said...

That is so funny!! I love that picture. Hmm I wonder if I will ever have a boy who doesn't like messes?! Probably not.

Misty said...

So cute! I love these pictures!! Thank you for posting them!