I'm sure most everyone has heard about Atlanta this week. It's sad to say, but I think I've watched more news this week then in all of 2010 or at least close to it!
Day 1

This snow was the weirdest I've ever seen. I was so excited to run out and play with Josh, but it was a let down. It was soft powder that wasn't good for anything covered in a layer of ice that even cut Josh's ankles in a few places from crunching through. The only fun part of it was that we could pick up flat pieces of the ice and throw it like a frisbee and let it shatter and slide along the other ice. (Side note: I just don't know how, but some of our neighbors have snowmen out front. It baffles me.)

Sledding...Josh style. We cleared off his roller coaster, but it didn't go far. I did get out a soda box with plastic on it that Josh sat in for a minute on our little hill but he just crunched through the ice. Then I tried sitting him on a regular box and pulling him with a belt. It worked for all of five seconds but he jumped off and wanted to go in. We did play too long. I didn't realize how cold he had gotten. I freaked out when later inside he finally told me his finger hurt and it was swollen :( Poor little guy!

We tried to at least stack a pile to form it like a snowman since we couldn't even form a good snowball, but Josh is the same with snow as with sand...he knocked it right off.

I lived in the snow for years but this is my second new experience all in one day! I had seen a recipe for ''snow cream'' a month or so ago so of course we had to try it out. We just added sugar, milk and vanilla to a bowl of snow and had instant "snow" ice cream. Yum!
Day 2
I guess the pain of the cold was still too fresh for Josh, he wouldn't go out Tuesday. We just played and watched tv. Nothing too exciting. Greg was actually able to get an assignment from his boss so that was productive at least. More news. More wrecks from people that should be at home like us.
Day 3
Okay, now I'm just going crazy. We haven't left the house since we got home from church Sunday!!!! We played a little in the snow today, but it's just not fun snow and Josh gets cold easily. We don't want another issue like Monday. Greg is still home from work. This is so crazy!

Our fun activity today was to see how far Josh could walk holding my hand before crunching through the ice layer. If you look closely you can see foot prints way behind him. He made it a good four-five feet sometimes.
1 comment:
That is way more snow than we ever saw!
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