Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How thin is the veil for our little ones???

So I have this magnet on the fridge. It's from one of those RS handouts...

Anyway, I have shown Josh a picture of Christ before and told him it was "Jesus", but never this picture. So yesterday I was holding him while getting something out of the fridge.

He said "Jesus" plain as day and when I looked up he was pointing at that picture on the fridge. Wow! Was all I could think or say b/c he doesn't say much. His vocabulary usually consists of "dada" "no no no no no", or "dog". I mean, I think he's trying to say other things sometimes like "ball" but it really doesn't sound like "ball". He will occasionally and I mean occasionally say "mamma" or "nanna". But that's it. So I was really like WOW!!!

So really, how thin is the veil for the little ones that have just left Heavenly Father's presence? How much do they really remember?????? Oh to be able to take a peek at how they view the world right now...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Like Father, Like Son!

A young Dave Matthews' fan:

So Josh doesn't watch any tv. He will occasionally look at sports or music and sometimes he will watch for a minute if I put Sesame Street or something on, but not much at all. Well, Greg was watching a Dave Matthews concert last night that he had recorded and Josh just kept watching with him. He moved around a few times, but still, it was the most tv he's ever watched. It was crazy. It looks like I'll have two Dave fanatics on my hands!! Oh joy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Self feeding...finally!

So I'm sure he's behind on this, but I'm not in the habit of pushing anything. My philosophy...when he's ready, he's ready. Ha. By this, he'll probably still be in diapers when he's a Sunbeam!!!!

Anyway, the other day he took the spoon from me and started feeding himself spaghetti. What could I do but grab the camera!?!?!

So he does it sometimes. I'm still not pushing. I'm just not ready to clean applesauce off the ceiling! But I did get these great new bibs that are hard rubbery plastic that really catch all that he spills.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Little Things in Life

Wow. I never knew I could get so excited about such a little thing. Grocery shopping is usually okay with Josh, at least until the buggy gets full, then he starts throwing stuff out. It's cute, but gets a little annoying.

Well, we went to Publix yesterday. They had their kids buggies right out front. I had never seen them before, but I'm glad I found them now. Josh really doesn't like regular buggies because he faces backwards, but this thing is so awesome!!!

He was "driving" his little car all around and making car noises. It was so great. I only went for milk but ended up staying for a while just to let him have some fun. He did not want to get out when it was time to go.

Monday, October 6, 2008

General Conference

So the good news about General Conference is that Josh loved the singing. Weren't the Primary kids great???? (I am biased since that is my calling, but I just love to hear them sing!)

Anyway, Josh has been doing a little better about not messing with the tv or any other buttons on the electronics. But not during GC. He kept turining the volume knob all the way up and all the way down, etc. When I would try to go get him from that area, he would laugh and run cute as he is, I was getting frustrated trying to watch and that is the last thing I needed to be when trying to watch conference. Sooooooo, I put good use to the play yard some family members of ours bought us. It worked great!!! It looks pretty funny with our tv "caged" in, but it did the trick. Poor Josh just had to stand there staring in at all the buttons he couldn't get to.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New York Trip

Sorry, I have to back track again. Our trip to New York was a lot of fun. We went to see an old friend of mine that had a baby girl right before Josh was born.

Even the plane ride wasn't all that bad. Josh won the hearts of all the passengers because he is so cute and never cried.

Niagra Falls was one of the best parts. If you go somewhere like this, you just have to share!!!!