Sorry, I have to back track again. Our trip to New York was a lot of fun. We went to see an old friend of mine that had a baby girl right before Josh was born.
Even the plane ride wasn't all that bad. Josh won the hearts of all the passengers because he is so cute and never cried.
Niagra Falls was one of the best parts. If you go somewhere like this, you just have to share!!!!
9/11/09- While visiting the grandparents, Mike fell asleep on the couch and was snoring loudly. Josh finally said "Papa, turn off!"
10/28/09- Greg was playing with Josh on the floor and laid down. Josh sat on his tummy and said "Dada hiding!"
10/30/09- Josh was eating crackers. He gave Greg one and after he ate it Josh asked Greg "Where did it go?" When Greg told him "in my tummy," he lifted up Greg's shirt to look for it. Then he lifted his own shirt and tried to hide a cracker on his tummy, under his shirt.
11/5/09- Charmaine hurt her knee during the day so she was limping. They watched Josh that night so Josh started limping around like she was.
12/24/09- Josh was sitting on Uncle Chris' lap and his phone vibrated from his pocket. Josh jumped down and said "Chris poopy!"
12/25/09- My favorite Christmas moment: Greg's grandmother walks with a cane. Well, Charmaine bought Josh one of those canes full of candy that is about a foot tall. Immediately after she gave it to him, he started walking around using it as a real cane.
1/5/10- Josh frequently asks about where people are. Everyday we play the game of "where is____?" Usually everyone he asks about is at "work." So he will always repeat "they are at their job." Today he said, "I go to my job" and went up to his room to play.
5/10/10- Josh loves water! He chugged a bunch today, put down the cup, smacked his lips and said "mmmmm, that's good."
8/5/10- While helping me pack up the grandparents house to move them, he packed the tupperware in the box more organized than I would have. He said "I'm a big boy helper. I did good job!"
8/6/10- Josh never eats ice cream. He says it's "too cold." But he took my cone tonight when we were at Jason's Deli and licked it all off the top. When he got to the cone he handed it back and said "I don't like the crust."
9/24/10- Josh loves the moon. He's always looking for it. Tonight it's a big full moon. When he was walking to the house from the car, he kept glancing up at it. Then he said "Momma, is the moon coming with us?"
9/30/10- Josh: Why do we need new batteries? Me: Because they are dead. Josh: Who dead them?
10/5/10- It's so refreshing to have so many little things confirm your child, is in fact, yours. I don't use people's name very often. I just don't like to. I don't like mine used often. I call people "darlin', baby, buddy, etc." Josh is "buddy." Well, I have officially become "booty." He now intermittently calls me "momma" or "booty." It's just too cute. *The way he says it in no way sounds like he's calling me a butt.
3/18/11- Josh likes to talk about his "poop" every time he goes potty. At first he would name rewards he thought he should get for every "one" that came out. The first time he did it there were 3, as he pointed out "1 for the hotel (dada's promise), 1 for my car (nonna's promise of a powerwheels) and 1 for Wendy's (his favorite food that week). Now he likes to talk about the shapes, like today's was a shark. Usually it's a mommy or daddy and baby. Gross...I know!
1 comment:
Hey, glad you posted a link to your blog on the Hoover Ward Playgroup site. What a good picture of you and Josh.
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