Anyway, I have shown Josh a picture of Christ before and told him it was "Jesus", but never this picture. So yesterday I was holding him while getting something out of the fridge.
He said "Jesus" plain as day and when I looked up he was pointing at that picture on the fridge. Wow! Was all I could think or say b/c he doesn't say much. His vocabulary usually consists of "dada" "no no no no no", or "dog". I mean, I think he's trying to say other things sometimes like "ball" but it really doesn't sound like "ball". He will occasionally and I mean occasionally say "mamma" or "nanna". But that's it. So I was really like WOW!!!
So really, how thin is the veil for the little ones that have just left Heavenly Father's presence? How much do they really remember?????? Oh to be able to take a peek at how they view the world right now...
That is awesome. Did you get chill bumps?
No, it was more of a "man, my kid is awesome!" :)
How awesome! He is awesome and this is clearly an indication of how great a mom you are! I can't wait for moments like this.
Ha. The funny thing is I don't really take credit for it. Truth be told we really haven't talked about Jesus much. It's sort of a wake up call to do more.
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