Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, this is the only picture I have. Josh had a fun time playing on the porch in the morning.
I was lazy during his nap. Cleaning on my birthday???
I think not! :)
Then we grilled dinner at home. It was a good day!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fishing Trip with Grandpa

My dad and I took Josh and my niece and nephew fishing. It was fun, but way too hot!!!

If you look very closely, you can see Josh's little fish.
He caught it on his new Lighting McQueen fishing pole. Yay for him!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Big Water" Trip

I'm not sure which activity was Matt's and Tommy's favorite...the beach or Xbox in the room...

We got the kite going, then gave Josh a turn. We never saw it again...

Fun times... burrying Tommy in the sand. We buried Greg too!

Basically every bucket I went to fetch got immediately dumped out.
All day I heard "Momma, more water please?"

This was my favorite sequence!!! I can't believe my skills! I got them all at the perfect time! Let's just say, he didn't do that again :)

We had a great time. This was Greg's graduation trip. Destin, of course.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Greg's Graduation: Family Pics

Everyone got their turn with the Grad.
And this last one was just so cute. Josh and Grandpa!

Greg's Graduation: The Ceremony

One word: Lame
There were thousands of balloons supposed to descend. Well, it didn't work.
This was all that came out.

The bag pipes were neat though.

Wow....Greg has is MBA. Yay!!!

Greg's Graduation: The Presents

I got Greg a grill for his MBA graduation. Classy, I know.
And Josh got him all the gadgets to go with it.

Happy Mother's Day

Josh painted me a frame and I put a cute pic of us in it.
He's all into painting right now. That's what we gave everyone.

Jim got me some pretty flowers we planted out front.

Greg got me another cute Willow Tree figure that's a mother and son.
These aren't the best pics, but it's what I have.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Josh's New TV Spot

He's all boy. Everything is a jungle gym.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another Birthday Cake: Jordan is 3! (Not 31)

Well I now have visual evidence if anyone ever wonders why Greg starts hyperventilating and gets on the verge of a mental break down at the thought of me making another birthday cake. Yes, the mess was entirely from the cake preparation.
My Nephew turned three a few days ago and had a Dinosaur party.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


We saw this in the parking lot of Best Buy tonight. I had to take a picture. Not much else to say except...really?

Josh's New Snack

Boy he LOVES Chex Mix!!! I'm trying to avoid giving him the "Bold and Spicy." That can't be good for his breath.