Sunday, July 25, 2010

Helping Dada Pack

I went upstairs to see how Greg was doing packing for his next work trip. Josh had followed saying he was going to help. This is not unusual, but this time Greg really did let Josh pack for him. He had taken a whole laundry basket of clothes and tried to fill Greg's suitcase. It might not have been so bad if they were Greg's....they were mostly all my clothes and my flip flops. He said I was going with him. This isn't the best picture, but it was pretty funny. I got a good video of it, but I'll spare everyone from watching it. I'm sure it's only amusing to me and Greg.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spiky Hair

Josh's head is all dry and yucky :(
So I rubbed a ton of lotion into it so it spiked all up.
Josh loved it. He kept staring in the mirror laughing at himself.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Uncle Kenzie helped out on the roof and Greg and
Josh gathered up all the pine needles in their wheelbarrows.

Josh did great! I have been meaning to have him try his own sparklers for over a year now.
He loved it!

New Hat

I got Greg this Survivor buff at the CBS store in NYC.
Josh LOVES it!