Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hair Cut Success!


I gave Josh his first hair cut. It went really badly. Lot's of crying (from him and me) and it looked horrible. From then on, I took him other places. We found a lady at Sweet 'n Sassy (Yes, I know it's a chick place, but they have stuff for boys too!) that did a good job, but then she left. Josh didn't like the next lady we tried so it went badly. Then a friend of mine started cutting it. I watched her a few times to check out her skills. After a while we just didn't have time to get together to play, let alone have her give him a hair cut.

So then I tried again. I let him have a "lollipop" while cutting it to appease him. I've done it a few times now, but it never has looked very good. Last night Greg and I perfected our routine. We let him have a "lollipop," put his movie of the week (Scooby-Doo) in his little dvd player and got to work. I buzzed the back and sides and took my time. Greg held the dvd player and moved it around according to where I needed Josh's head to go. I used only scissors on the top. I've used the buzzer before and it thins it out too much. The key to it all was that I was able to take my time while Greg kept Josh occupied. It looks great!!!! Practice makes perfect. Even if he has to look a little rough in the process.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You can't post something like that and not have a picture. Come on! :)